Buenas! Welcome to my personal blog. I’m a marketeer and webmaster in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. I’ve been working with the Web for about 20 years.
(A versão em Português dessa página está aqui.)
I work as marketing director and WordPress developer at Arsnova Digital, my own company. I also have a small provider, the Terranova, where I host my customer’s websites.
Here you will find information about WordPress and Web development, plus some of my experience working with the Internet since the 90’s.
But you will also be able to find some things out of this scope!
The truth is that although I bring this blog to this domain only in 2017, it already has a few years.
My first intention to have a blog comes from the early 2000s, when I decided I wanted to post articles about the Mac.
At that time, WordPress was in its beginning. So much so that my first personal words were posted on Blogger, the year that Google bought the Pyra Labs tool. You will find these texts in the category “No tempo do Blogger”. (Sorry, just in Portuguese!)
After a year, I wanted a more extensible platform for my Mac blog, rsmac.com. I migrated to WordPress in 2004 and later this year, I migrated my personal blog, Randomicidades, to WordPress as well.
It was in Randomicidades that I continued to talk about my world, but after a few years, I began to publish texts of friends and guests, and it became for me a magazine with lifestyle, philosophy, culture, chronicles and opinion articles, with my curatorship.
So I thought it was the time to bring my personal things into my personal domain. So here you may stumble over my stories, reminiscences, and texts on life in general. I speak of technology and WordPress, but also music, philosophy, football or anything else.
I hope the texts published here could be useful for you. Thanks for the visit!